After writing about five tourist places in El Salvador, I realized that I needed to mention some others places with a lot of natural beauty, and I couldn't leave it off my list, so I decided to make a new post to finish with a list of 10 majestic places to visit it on vacations. These places will leave you amazed by its beauty. This post like the previous one is to help you decide where to spend time with your family on this vacation.

6. LAGO SUCHITLAN (Suchitlan Lake).
In Suchitoto, city and cradle of history and culture, place where it seems that time has fallen asleep, we find a spectacular place, with cultural features of the colonial era. A wonderful lake, with rustic houses and pleasure boats. Good gastronomy and colonial rural hotel. Animals, birds, dazzling flora, all this and more you will find in this place. My mom had the opportunity to visit this place on 3 occasions, she had waited for a long time and was delighted from the first time she came to this beautiful lake. I don't know it personally yet, but I will definitely visit this place very soon

7. CERRO VERDE (Green Hill).
Escape to Cerro Verde, in Santa Ana, is rewarding for those who like to enjoy nature and for those who want to have fun to release the stress accumulated during the week. Cerro Verde has viewpoints from where you can see the Izalco Volcano, the Santa Ana Volcano and Coatepeque Lake, but it also has areas where adults can rest peacefully in hammocks, under the shade of the leafy trees, while Children climb, descend and jump in games. Tourists, who have visited this place, have been amazed by the freshness and peace that can be enjoyed in this place. These tourists recommend this place to de-stress and forget the noise of the cities.

8. BAHÍA DE JIQUILISCO (Jiquilisco Bay).
Located in Usulutan, Jiquilisco Bay has everything you need if you love beaches. It is a bay full of natural beauty with mangroves (water trees) that by passing in the typical "pangas" (boats of local fishermen) you can see the animal wealth as well as full-color crabs, green iguanas, etc. I used to visit this particular beach for the holidays in the month of January. I haven´t been there in a while, but I'm waiting for the opportunity to walk through that area one more time.

Located in Conchagua, Metapán. Apuzunga is a 100% natural water park with swimming pools supplied with natural and crystalline springs which run freely towards the Guajoyo River, and the place offers a variety of delicious food, there is a farming of tilapia and right there you can cook whatever you fish. If you are a lover of adrenaline, this is an excellent place for you, you can practice cannopy and you can also do rafting. I have never visited this place before, but I'm very interested in practicing some of these incredible extreme sports. when you go there, please invite me!

Malacatiupán is a waterfall of thermal water located in the municipality of Atiquizaya, Ahuachapán. Its name has Nahuat origin that means: round temple. The locals call it "El Salto". This is a beautiful place of rest and health, where you can enjoy a relaxing bath with thermal water at approximately 40°C and with many minerals, which contribute to improve our health. Visiting this place will make you relax and enjoy nature to the fullest. I never had places as beautiful as this. All visitors are thrilled to see so much beauty, these visitors spend hours relaxing.

There are still many places to visit and explore, but undoubtedly, these places will captivate you, and make you see El Salvador as a different and special country, a warm country with a lot to offer. If you visit any of these places, you will be surprised, your trip will be a memorable experience.

Share with your family and do not forget to always keep the necessary precautions to enjoy your trip.

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