Each country has its own culture, tradition and history. A very particular element is gastronomy, something that we all undoubtedly enjoy, especially, those who enjoy the great variety of flavors that each country offers us.

The Germans have the most famous sausage in the world "The Wurst", and it is one of the most appetizing attractions of the European continent besides its beer. Undoubtedly, tourists enjoy this dish at every opportunity. This sausage is prepared with one of the most delicious pork in the area or with the best beef, this depends on the taste of the person. On the other hand, the Dutch and the Swiss are famous for their cheeses, some people say that their cheeses have the best taste in the world. To prepare these cheeses requires a lot of dedication. It is a long process, but it's worth it for its flavor.

There are also the famous Argentine chorizos (sausages). If you have enjoyed a barbecue with your neighbors, friends or family, you know that you should not miss the Argentine chorizos. However, in El salvador, we have our delicious pupusas, something known around the world, but our culture and gastronomy not only focuses on pupusas, but also there is a great variety of delicious dishes and to the east of the country we find the most delicious TOTOPOSTES and TUSTACAS!

If you have ever heard about Totopostes and Tustacas or if you have eaten them, you know they are from Chinameca, located in the Department of San Miguel. These are considered the typical dishes of the city. These dishes have been maintained from generation to generation since 1950, among the residents of this city.

Totopostes are balls of corn dough with simple flavor and most people usually eat them with milk, coffee, atol or chocolate, according to the taste of the person. The pioneer or inventor of the Totopostes was the remembered one, Laura Pacheco de López, who experimented by making small balls of corn dough or totopostes until she managed to give it the point. However, at that time, due to the lack of an oven, the first tests were carried out in a family bakery in San Juan neighborhood.

The Tustacas are a kind of corn tortilla with a sweet flavor and the center of it, is bathed with a serving of the best "atado de dulce."

For its delicious and pleasant flavor to the palate, this dish is recognized in many countries around the world, although in some cases, the tustacas receive another name, for example, in Honduras, they are known as "Ojaldras." However, no matter what name they receive, their flavor is incomparable and unsurpassed.

As you can see, we haveone of the best dishes made from corn. If you still haven't had the opportunity to taste this typical dish, I suggest you visit Chinameca's City and taste the authentic totopostes and tustacas, You will not regret about that!

El Salvador offers a lot of culture and traditions. Let's enjoy our country!

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