The Stepfamily can be considered as a modern subject, it is formed by an adult couple in which at least one of the spouses has a son of a previous relationship. Psychologists warn that changes in these relationships that children experience can affect the rest of their lives, thus causing many anomalies in their personalities. What are the causes and consequences of these disturbances that reverberate in children?

First, the child needs time to agree in order to link with an adult, including especially when the parent's couple is involved. The feeling described is often the order of exclusion, engendered by children who do not appreciate that a third person interferes with their lives and tries to put their authority. Then, the biological mother or father can spend more time with his new couple, producing lack of attention about the life of his children, and this can severely damage the relationship between them and his children.

As a result, children can experience behavioral changes, that is to say, these children can become aggressive with their parents and can cause problems in school, thereby fighting with strangers, friends and siblings to get their parents' attention. On the other hand, children can also feel despised and underestimated, causing loneliness and low self-esteem with difficulties in making friends.

To conclude, parents must share time with their children and generate an atmosphere of trust so that the child feels comfortable step by step and finally, the mutual support must be unconditional and not turned systematically towards the children to the detriment of the couple. Being open and understanding, the step parents can have an approach with their stepchildren. Every child needs his parents and especially in times of change. By sharing good times in family, stepfamilies can also help children during their adaptation stage.


The death penalty is an issue that is always at the center of the controversy. Although, it is abolished in a large part of America, but there are still great countries like the United States that consider it in their criminal regulations as a punishment for some criminals. If we didn’t have criminals, we would have a better planet with liberty. We can define Death Penalty as a sanction that in reality has always been applied from the origins of humanity for those very serious crimes such as murder, theft, rape, among others. Having the knowledge of what this topic is about. Should there be the death penalty in our country?

 If someone is a victim of crime, that person says yes, and that is also due to the undeniable fact that there is an index of violence in the country, and this causes many social problems that we can divide into two types: physical and psychological. With physical consequences we refer specifically to the homicides that are increasing day by day at the national level, and with psychological we can highlight several factors. Firstly, we have the impact that the families of the victims receive after knowing the loss of a loved one, secondly, the fear and mistrust that the citizens develop due to the situation they face. People wouldn’t have these problems if they were not victims in the past.

Violence in El Salvador has been increasing for a long time. Between January and February 2016, a total of 1,399 murders were recorded. Currently, there is an average of 24 homicides per day. It is very important to point out that some victims of these homicides have been policemen and soldiers. If I were a police officer, this would bother me a lot. We can analyze that the government authorities don’t have control over this phenomenon, and the Salvadoran population is affected in great magnitude which leads us to think about alternatives such as the death penalty. If the town doesn’t feel safe, this takes extreme measures. 

On the other hand, there are some events in which the death penalty cannot be a solution because the charges that a person presents are not first degree, in other words, they aren’t serious crimes that should be punished with this sanction. If a person commits a crime without affecting the integrity of another person, it doesn’t mean that person deserves the death penalty; however, the person who commits a crime must be punished according to the seriousness of his fault. 

In addition, it must be said that the Amnesty International organization points out that the death penalty is a violation of human rights to which every person without exception has the right. According to the decrees and laws that each country has, and a death penalty under these terms would be an act of cruelty, despite the convicted person having committed a crime of the first degree. Organizations help the condemned when their human rights are violated.

However, some civilians consider that the death penalty can be the solution in very extreme cases when the criminal commits terrorist acts or cases in which social security is affected. From an impartial point of view, the death penalty can have positive and negative effects depending on how it is applied, Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing a law of this type in our country should be examined point by point. If nobody talks and proposes solutions, nobody knows the direction the country can take.

It is difficult to make a decision that can lead to developing other types of acts that may be unfair to the citizen because the death penalty is a controversial issue that touches on intimate aspects of moral, values, and the pursuit of safety and social protection among others, If the death penalty is not a viable solution for the security of our country, what would be the correct solution?


Technological advances are the result of the constant search to facilitate the life of man. Nowadays, you can see that a vast majority of people have mobile devices, since these have become an essential part of society because they help us to carry out routine task. Therefore, we realize that technology can be used in different ways. It only depends on people how to use it, which leads us to ask... What are the effects of technology on children?

Each year, new products are launched that offer novel features, and that dazzle users creating a kind of consumerism in adults because of this phenomenon, easy access is provided to children who are close to these devices. which leads to children being hours and hours either on computers, smartphones or tablets.

We can also say that parents forget to pay proper attention to children due to they spend too much time at work. According to studies, it is proven that 60% of parents do not supervise the use of their children's technology, and 75% of children are allowed technology in their rooms without any kind of surveillance.

Consequently, if the child has an addiction to technology, it can result in a deficit of attention in his studies that can directly affect their learning process. It is proven that 75% of children aged from 9 to 10 years report sleep problems and this directly affects their school performance.

In the same way, an excess in the digital world diminishes not only their abilities to interact with other people, but also their capacity to establish new relationships. As a result, the family relationship will be reduced at the same time.

 In conclusion, we can say that technologies are very useful tools for the life of the human being. In order to prevent that children being affected by this phenomenon; the key is keeping an eye on the time of interaction with the technologies and avoiding at all costs that these alter their routines. Technology is not the substitute of other sources of entertainment, interaction or learning.